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IDEA @ HDRN Canada

The IDEA Team strives to benefit people who have been and continue to be systematically excluded from data research and further marginalized by the findings of data outputs. Work is now underway to establish an IDEA strategy for HDRN Canada to deliver education and training to build organizational capacity as well as identify priorities, barriers, challenges and opportunities for IDEA across the network. See the IDEA Team Terms of Referenceundefined.

HDRN Canada’s IDEA Team is composed of 30 people from each HDRN Canada Member Organization, all HDRN Canada Working Groups and Teams and SPOR SUPPORT Units from across the country. The IDEA Team is actively committed to IDEA-informed change, focusing on a range of issues, from the collection, access, use and dissemination of administrative or routinely collected data in research and across the data lifespan, to issues pertinent to the operation and co-creation of HDRN Canada as a distributed network. The IDEA Team has three goals:

Graphic outline of a brain

IDEA Unlearning Club

A monthly meeting of HDRN Canada’s IDEA Community of Practice featuring a variety of experts exploring the process of unlearning around concepts of inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility and their representation in health data and research.

Graphic outline of a lightbulb

Big IDEAs About Health Data

A public speaker series examining how data can be used to promote health equity in Canada, including disaggregated data as well as data research methods that embed inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility. Upcoming Eventsundefined

IDEA Definitions & Principles

A living document to build shared understanding of inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility at HDRN Canada offering a baseline for enacting these concepts and principles in our collective work. Downloadundefined

Being an Upstander (Active Bystander)
Laws & Policies