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Call for Applicants: HDRN Canada Board of Directors


HDRN Canada is recruiting for its volunteer Board of Directors, which plays a formative role in shaping the growth and evolution of the network. Directors will be appointed by election or acclamation in accordance with HDRN Canada’s bylaws at the annual meeting of members, set for May 2024.

“This is a great opportunity for people with an interest and expertise in the health data space to make a real difference. This is especially true as HDRN Canada continues to establish its presence as a support for doing multi-regional data analysis in Canada,” said Dr. Anne Martin-Matthews, Chair of the Board’s Nominations Committee.

New Directors serve a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms or six consecutive years, with the Board meeting at least four times per year. Although Directors serve without remuneration, necessary expenses are paid.

Dr. Martin-Matthews noted that the Board is seeking applicants who represent the geographic, language and cultural diversity of Canada, including a desire for Board members who are Indigenous. Dr. Kim McGrail, HDRN Canada’s CEO and Scientific Director noted that “Inclusion and diversity are foundations of our success, and are a central focus of how we support health data access and use.”

For more information and to apply, download the application package. Applications must be received by January 31, 2024.

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